
Our Authors publish for free.We publish your book totally free. 

What You Get

  • ISBN
  • To do list for publishing and promotion strategies
  • Book Trailers for promotion
  • Facilitate the sale of Audiobooks through Audible**
  • Unlimited Number of Author Copies available to the Author for sales. Author keeps 100% of the profit from the sales. Shipping and Handling Charge may apply.
  • E-book and paperback publishing through Amazon KDP Select/POD
  • Copy/Edit, Proofreading
  • Worldwide distribution through Amazon
  • Ongoing marketing using a certain percentage of the book sales from company’s profit.
  • Royalty – 50% of net receipt for each sale.


Potter’s Wheel Publishing House is a US-based publishing expert. We help our authors to develop and publish the high-quality books of their dreams. We take complexity and uncertainty out of publishing. We offer outstanding customer service and industry-leading royalties. We appreciate and seriously consider every manuscript submission. In order to handle your submissions efficiently, please follow the guidelines below: